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Greater Danbury Chamber of Commerce

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United Way of Coastal and Western CT, Inc.


Community/Business/Social ServicesNon Profit Organization

About Us

United Way of Coastal and Western Connecticut (UWCWC) fights for the health, education and financial stability of every person in greater Bridgeport, greater Danbury, greater New Milford, greater Norwalk, and Stamford, with a focus on hard-working, struggling households that we call ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed). In Connecticut, 38% of all households experience financial hardship, as ALICE or living in poverty.

UWCWC works to provide long-term solutions to the challenges facing our neighbors living paycheck-to-paycheck. We mobilize our community's best resources and trusted partners to help those living at or below the ALICE financial threshold. We inspire individuals to join the fight against our community's most daunting social crises. By leveraging the collective power of the community, we are focused on creating an environment where individuals and families are self-sufficient and can achieve financial independence.